定时流 (timing.co)#


wait $time_s $timer_id="wait_timer_{uid()}"



import timing
import core

flow delayed bot say $text
    wait 0.5
    bot say $text

flow main
    user said something
    start delayed bot say "I say this later"
    start bot say "I say this first"

    wait indefinitely
> hello
I say this first
I say this later
repeating timer $timer_id $interval_s



import timing
import core

flow reacting to my timer
    match TimerBotAction.Finished(timer_name="my_timer")
    bot say "tick"

flow main
    activate reacting to my timer

    user said something
    start repeating timer "my_timer" 0.4
    wait 1.0
> test
user was silent $time_s

等待用户静默 $time_s 秒


import timing
import core

flow reacting to user silence
    user was silent 5.0
    bot say "Can I help you with anything else?"

flow main
    activate reacting to user silence

    while True
        user said something
        bot say "sounds interesting"
> I am going to the zoo
sounds interesting
# (Wait for more than 5 seconds)
Can I help you with anything else?
user didnt respond $time_s

等待用户在 Bot 静默时静默 $time_s 秒


import timing
import core

flow repeating if no user response
    global $last_bot_script
    user didnt respond 5.0
    bot say $last_bot_script

flow main
    activate tracking bot talking state
    activate repeating if no user response

    user said something
    bot say "How can I help you today?"
    user said something
> hi
How can I help you today?
# (Wait for more than 5 seconds)
How can I help you today?
bot was silent $time_s

等待 Bot 静默(无话语)给定时间


import timing
import core

flow inform processing time
    user said something
    bot was silent 2.0
    bot say "This is taking a bit longer"

flow processing user request
    user said "place the order"
    wait 4.0
    bot say "order was placed successfully"

flow main
    activate inform processing time
    activate processing user request
> place the order
# After about 2 seconds:
This is taking a bit longer
# After and additional 2 seconds:
order was placed successfully