互动虚拟化身模态流 (avatars.co)#


# Wait for a UI selection
flow user selected choice $choice_id -> $choice

# Wait for a UI selection to have happened (considering also choices that happened right before)
flow user has selected choice $choice_id

# Wait for user entering keystrokes in UI text field
flow user typing $text -> $inputs

# Wait for user to make a gesture
flow user gestured $gesture -> $final_gesture

# Wait for user to be detected as present (e.g. camera ROI)
flow user became present -> $user_id

# Wait for when the user talked while bot is speaking
flow user interrupted bot talking $sentence_length=15

Bot 动作流

# Trigger a specific bot gesture
flow bot gesture $gesture

# Trigger a specific bot gesture delayed
flow bot gesture with delay $gesture $delay

# Trigger a specific bot posture
flow bot posture $posture

# Show a 2D UI with some options to select from
flow scene show choice $prompt $options

# Show a 2D UI with detailed information
flow scene show textual information $title $text $header_image

# Show a 2D UI with a short information
flow scene show short information $info

# Show a 2D UI with some input fields to be filled in
flow scene show form $prompt $inputs

Bot 事件流

# Wait for the bot to start with the given gesture
flow bot started gesture $gesture

# Wait for the bot to start with any gesture
flow bot started a gesture -> $gesture

# Wait for the bot to start with the given posture
flow bot started posture $posture

# Wait for the bot to start with any posture
flow bot started a posture -> $posture

# Wait for the bot to start with any action
flow bot started an action -> $action


这些是跟踪 Bot 和用户在全局变量中状态的流。

# Track most recent visual choice selection state in global variable $choice_selection_state
flow tracking visual choice selection state



# Stops all the current bot actions
flow finish all bot actions

# Stops all the current scene actions
flow finish all scene actions

# Handling the bot talking interruption reaction
flow handling bot talking interruption $mode="inform"


# Activates all the posture management
flow managing bot postures

# Start and stop listening posture
flow managing listening posture

# Start and stop talking posture
flow managing talking posture

# Start and stop thinking posture
flow managing thinking posture

# Start and stop idle posture
flow managing idle posture