NVIDIA DeepStream SDK 开发者指南#
DeepStream 入门
DeepStream 示例
TAO 工具包与 DeepStream 集成
DeepStream 性能
DeepStream 准确性
DeepStream 自定义模型
DeepStream 主要特性
- DeepStream-3D 传感器融合多模态应用和框架
- DeepStream-3D 多模态 BEVFusion 设置
- DeepStream-3D 多模态 V2XFusion 设置
- 智能视频录制
- 物联网 (IoT)
- 动态模型更新
- DeepStream 中的 NTP 时间戳
- DeepStream 中的 AV 同步
- 带 REST API 服务器的 DeepStream
- DeepStream 3D 动作识别应用
- DeepStream 3D 深度相机应用
- DeepStream 3D 激光雷达推理应用
- DeepStream 中的网络媒体开放规范 (NMOS)
- DeepStream 中的 Gst-nvdspostprocess
- DeepStream 罐头方向应用
DeepStream 插件指南
- GStreamer 插件概述
- DeepStream SDK 中的元数据
- Gst-nvdspreprocess (Alpha)
- Gst-nvinfer
- Gst-nvinferserver
- Gst-nvtracker
- Gst-nvstreammux
- Gst-nvstreammux New
- Gst-nvstreamdemux
- Gst-nvmultistreamtiler
- Gst-nvdsosd
- Gst-nvdsmetautils
- Gst-nvdsvideotemplate
- Gst-nvdsaudiotemplate
- Gst-nvvideoconvert
- Gst-nvdewarper
- Gst-nvof
- Gst-nvofvisual
- Gst-nvsegvisual
- Gst-nvvideo4linux2
- Gst-nvjpegdec
- Gst-nvimagedec
- Gst-nvjpegenc
- Gst-nvimageenc
- Gst-nvmsgconv
- Gst-nvmsgbroker
- Gst-nvdsanalytics
- Gst-nvdsudpsrc
- Gst-nvdsudpsink
- Gst-nvdspostprocess (Alpha)
- Gst-nvds3dfilter
- Gst-nvds3dbridge
- Gst-nvds3dmixer
- Gst-NvDsUcx
- Gst-nvdsxfer
- Gst-nvvideotestsrc
- Gst-nvmultiurisrcbin
- Gst-nvurisrcbin
故障排除和 FAQ 指南#
DeepStream 故障排除和常见问题解答
WSL2 上的 Deepstream 设置#
WSL2 上的 DeepStream
- WSL 上的 DeepStream
- 关于 WSL 上 Deepstream 的常见问题解答
- 1. 我们是否需要在 WSL 的 Ubuntu 镜像内部安装 NVIDIA 驱动程序?
- 2. 安装驱动程序时,您应该选择“清洁安装”吗?
- 3. 启动 Docker 时,我遇到错误:“docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver “” with capabilities: [[gpu]]. 我该怎么办?
- 4. 启动 Docker 时,我收到错误“GPU access blocked by operating system”。我该怎么办?
- 5. 在为 WSL2 安装 Ubuntu 镜像时,我收到错误:“The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it”。我该怎么办?
- 6. 首次运行 deepstream-app 时,我收到一个错误:“GLib (gthread-posix.c): Unexpected error from C library during ‘pthread_setspecific’: Invalid argument. Aborting.”。我该怎么办?
- 7. 在运行 gstreamer 或 deepstream 视频 pipeline 时,屏幕上没有视频。但是 pipeline 似乎在终端中运行,没有任何错误。原因是什么?
- 8. 首次在启动 Docker 后运行 deepstream-app 时,出现警告打印。例如:“deepstream-app –version”显示以下警告。这是问题吗?
DeepStream API 参考文档#
DeepStream API 指南
Nvidia Deepstream Service Maker#
Deepstream 库#
使用 Graph Composer 进行应用程序开发#
Graph Composer
- 参考图
- 安装参考图
- deepstream-test1
- deepstream-test2
- deepstream-test3
- deepstream-test4
- deepstream-test5
- deepstream-runtime-src-add-del
- deepstream-template-plugin
- deepstream-app
- deepstream-triton
- deepstream-camera
- deepstream-action-recognition
- deepstream-subgraph
- deepstream-3d-camera
- deepstream-ucx-test1
- deepstream-ucx-test2
GXF 内部
- GXF 内部
- Codelet 的生命周期
- GXF 调度器
- SchedulingTerms
- PeriodicSchedulingTerm
- CountSchedulingTerm
- MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm
- MultiMessageAvailableSchedulingTerm
- BooleanSchedulingTerm
- AsynchronousSchedulingTerm
- DownstreamReceptiveSchedulingTerm
- TargetTimeSchedulingTerm
- ExpiringMessageAvailableSchedulingTerm
- MessageAvailableFrequencyThrottler
- MemoryAvailableSchedulingTerm
- BTSchedulingTerm
- 组合 SchedulingTerms
- 连接拓扑
- 消息 (Messages)
- 内存管理
- Cuda Stream Order Allocator
- RMM: RAPIDS 内存管理器
- 分布式执行
- 日志记录
- 组件工厂
Graph eXecution Engine
Graph Composer 容器
GXF 组件接口
GXF 应用程序 API
- GXF Core C++ API
- GXF Core C API
- Context
- 扩展
- Graph Execution
- Loads a list of entities from YAML file
- Set the root folder for searching YAML files during loading
- Loads a list of entities from YAML text
- Activate all system components
- Deactivate all System components
- Starts the execution of the graph asynchronously
- Interrupt the execution of the graph
- Waits for the graph to complete execution
- Runs all System components and waits for their completion
- Entities
- 组件 (Component)
- Parameter
- 向量参数
- YAML参数
- 文件参数
- EntityGroup
- 信息查询
- 杂项
- GXF Core Python API
- 扩展
- CudaExtension
- GXF 流同步
- StandardExtension
- Python Codelets
- NetworkExtension
- NvTritonExt
- SerializationExtension
- MultimediaExtension
- VideoEncoderExtension
- VideoDecoderExtension
- 行为树
- UCX Extension
- HttpExtension
- GrpcExtension
- TensorRTExtension
- NvDs3dProcessingExt
- NvDsActionRecognitionExt
- NvDsAnalyticsExt
- NvDsBaseExt
- NvDsCloudMsgExt
- NvDsConverterExt
- NvDsDewarperExt
- NvDsInferenceExt
- NvDsInferenceUtilsExt
- NvDsInterfaceExt
- NvDsMuxDemuxExt
- NvDsOpticalFlowExt
- NvDsOutputSinkExt
- NvDsSampleExt
- NvDsSampleModelsExt
- NvDsSourceExt
- NvDsTemplateExt
- NvDsTrackerExt
- NvDsTranscodeExt
- NvDsTritonExt
- NvDsUcxExt
- NvDsUdpExt
- NvDsVisualizationExt
DeepStream 法律信息