矩阵乘积态采样 (QFT 电路)¶
以下代码示例说明了如何为给定的量子线路 (QFT) 定义张量网络状态,然后计算其矩阵乘积态 (MPS) 分解,最后对 MPS 分解状态进行采样。完整的代码可以在 NVIDIA/cuQuantum 仓库中找到 (此处)。
7#include <cstdlib>
8#include <cstdio>
9#include <cassert>
10#include <complex>
11#include <cmath>
12#include <vector>
13#include <iostream>
15#include <cuda_runtime.h>
16#include <cutensornet.h>
18#define HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(x) \
19{ const auto err = x; \
20 if( err != cudaSuccess ) \
21 { printf("CUDA error %s in line %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(err), __LINE__); fflush(stdout); std::abort(); } \
24#define HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(x) \
25{ const auto err = x; \
27 { printf("cuTensorNet error %s in line %d\n", cutensornetGetErrorString(err), __LINE__); fflush(stdout); std::abort(); } \
31int main()
33 static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(int64_t), "Please build this sample on a 64-bit architecture!");
35 constexpr std::size_t fp64size = sizeof(double);
39 // Quantum state configuration
40 const int64_t numSamples = 128; // number of samples to generate
41 const int32_t numQubits = 16; // number of qubits
42 const std::vector<int64_t> qubitDims(numQubits, 2); // qubit dimensions
43 std::cout << "Quantum circuit: " << numQubits << " qubits; " << numSamples << " samples\n";
初始化 cuTensorNet 库句柄¶
47 // Initialize the cuTensorNet library
48 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaSetDevice(0));
49 cutensornetHandle_t cutnHandle;
50 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetCreate(&cutnHandle));
51 std::cout << "Initialized cuTensorNet library on GPU 0\n";
在 GPU 内存中定义量子门¶
55 // Define necessary quantum gate tensors in Host memory
56 const double invsq2 = 1.0 / std::sqrt(2.0);
57 const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
58 using GateData = std::vector<std::complex<double>>;
59 // CR(k) gate generator
60 auto cRGate = [&pi] (int32_t k) {
61 const double phi = pi * 2.0 / std::exp2(k);
62 const GateData cr {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0},
63 {0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0},
64 {0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0},
65 {0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {std::cos(phi), std::sin(phi)}};
66 return cr;
67 };
68 // Hadamard gate
69 const GateData h_gateH {{invsq2, 0.0}, {invsq2, 0.0},
70 {invsq2, 0.0}, {-invsq2, 0.0}};
71 // CR(k) gates (controlled rotations)
72 std::vector<GateData> h_gateCR(numQubits);
73 for(int32_t k = 0; k < numQubits; ++k) {
74 h_gateCR[k] = cRGate(k+1);
75 }
77 // Copy quantum gates into Device memory
78 void *d_gateH {nullptr};
79 std::vector<void*> d_gateCR(numQubits, nullptr);
80 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaMalloc(&d_gateH, 4 * (2 * fp64size)));
81 for(int32_t k = 0; k < numQubits; ++k) {
82 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaMalloc(&(d_gateCR[k]), 16 * (2 * fp64size)));
83 }
84 std::cout << "Allocated GPU memory for quantum gates\n";
85 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(d_gateH, h_gateH.data(), 4 * (2 * fp64size), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
86 for(int32_t k = 0; k < numQubits; ++k) {
87 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(d_gateCR[k], h_gateCR[k].data(), 16 * (2 * fp64size), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
88 }
89 std::cout << "Copied quantum gates into GPU memory\n";
在 GPU 内存中分配 MPS 张量¶
在这里,我们设置 MPS 张量的形状并为其存储分配 GPU 内存。
93 // Define the MPS representation and allocate memory buffers for the MPS tensors
94 const int64_t maxExtent = 8; // max bond dimension (level of low-rank MPS approximation)
95 std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> extents;
96 std::vector<int64_t*> extentsPtr(numQubits);
97 std::vector<void*> d_mpsTensors(numQubits, nullptr);
98 for (int32_t i = 0; i < numQubits; ++i) {
99 if (i == 0) { // left boundary MPS tensor
100 extents.push_back({2, maxExtent});
101 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaMalloc(&d_mpsTensors[i], 2 * maxExtent * (2 * fp64size)));
102 }
103 else if (i == numQubits-1) { // right boundary MPS tensor
104 extents.push_back({maxExtent, 2});
105 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaMalloc(&d_mpsTensors[i], 2 * maxExtent * (2 * fp64size)));
106 }
107 else { // middle MPS tensors
108 extents.push_back({maxExtent, 2, maxExtent});
109 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaMalloc(&d_mpsTensors[i], 2 * maxExtent * maxExtent * (2 * fp64size)));
110 }
111 extentsPtr[i] = extents[i].data();
112 }
113 std::cout << "Allocated GPU memory for MPS tensors\n";
在 GPU 上分配暂存缓冲区¶
117 // Query free memory on Device and allocate a scratch buffer
118 std::size_t freeSize {0}, totalSize {0};
119 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaMemGetInfo(&freeSize, &totalSize));
120 const std::size_t scratchSize = (freeSize - (freeSize % 4096)) / 2; // use half of available memory with alignment
121 void *d_scratch {nullptr};
122 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaMalloc(&d_scratch, scratchSize));
123 std::cout << "Allocated " << scratchSize << " bytes of scratch memory on GPU: "
124 << "[" << d_scratch << ":" << (void*)(((char*)(d_scratch)) + scratchSize) << ")\n";
128 // Create the initial quantum state
129 cutensornetState_t quantumState;
130 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetCreateState(cutnHandle, CUTENSORNET_STATE_PURITY_PURE, numQubits, qubitDims.data(),
131 CUDA_C_64F, &quantumState));
132 std::cout << "Created the initial (vacuum) quantum state\n";
让我们构建没有位反转的 QFT 量子线路,方法是应用相应的量子门。
136 // Construct the QFT quantum circuit state (apply quantum gates)
137 // Example of a QFT circuit with 3 qubits (with no bit reversal):
138 // Q0--H--CR2--CR3-------------
139 // | |
140 // Q1-----o----|----H--CR2-----
141 // | |
142 // Q2----------o-------o----H--
143 int64_t id;
144 for(int32_t i = 0; i < numQubits; ++i) {
145 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetStateApplyTensorOperator(cutnHandle, quantumState, 1, std::vector<int32_t>{{i}}.data(),
146 d_gateH, nullptr, 1, 0, 1, &id));
147 for(int32_t j = (i+1); j < numQubits; ++j) {
148 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetStateApplyTensorOperator(cutnHandle, quantumState, 2, std::vector<int32_t>{{j,i}}.data(),
149 d_gateCR[j-i], nullptr, 1, 0, 1, &id));
150 }
151 }
152 std::cout << "Applied quantum gates\n";
请求最终量子线路状态的 MPS 分解¶
在这里,我们表达了使用 MPS 分解来分解最终量子线路状态的意图。提供的 MPS 张量的形状(模式范围)是指 MPS 重整化过程中它们的最大尺寸限制。最终 MPS 张量的实际计算形状(模式范围)可能小于其限制。请注意,此处尚未进行任何计算。
156 // Specify the target MPS representation (use default strides)
157 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetStateFinalizeMPS(cutnHandle, quantumState,
158 CUTENSORNET_BOUNDARY_CONDITION_OPEN, extentsPtr.data(), /*strides=*/nullptr ));
159 std::cout << "Finalized the form of the MPS representation\n";
配置 MPS 分解过程¶
在表达了执行最终量子线路状态的 MPS 分解的意图之后,我们还可以通过重置不同的选项(例如,SVD 算法)来配置 MPS 分解过程。
163 // Set up the SVD method for bonds truncation (optional)
164 cutensornetTensorSVDAlgo_t algo = CUTENSORNET_TENSOR_SVD_ALGO_GESVDJ;
165 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetStateConfigure(cutnHandle, quantumState,
166 CUTENSORNET_STATE_MPS_SVD_CONFIG_ALGO, &algo, sizeof(algo)));
167 std::cout << "Configured the MPS computation\n";
准备 MPS 分解的计算¶
让我们创建一个工作区描述符并准备最终量子线路状态的 MPS 分解的计算。
171 // Prepare the MPS computation and attach a workspace buffer
172 cutensornetWorkspaceDescriptor_t workDesc;
173 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetCreateWorkspaceDescriptor(cutnHandle, &workDesc));
174 std::cout << "Created the workspace descriptor\n";
175 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetStatePrepare(cutnHandle, quantumState, scratchSize, workDesc, 0x0));
176 int64_t worksize {0};
177 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetWorkspaceGetMemorySize(cutnHandle,
178 workDesc,
182 &worksize));
183 std::cout << "Scratch GPU workspace size (bytes) for MPS computation = " << worksize << std::endl;
184 if(worksize <= scratchSize) {
185 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetWorkspaceSetMemory(cutnHandle, workDesc, CUTENSORNET_MEMSPACE_DEVICE,
186 CUTENSORNET_WORKSPACE_SCRATCH, d_scratch, worksize));
187 }else{
188 std::cout << "ERROR: Insufficient workspace size on Device!\n";
189 std::abort();
190 }
191 std::cout << "Set the workspace buffer for MPS computation\n";
计算 MPS 分解¶
一旦 MPS 分解过程已配置和准备好,让我们计算最终量子线路状态的 MPS 分解。
195 // Compute the MPS factorization of the quantum circuit state
196 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetStateCompute(cutnHandle, quantumState,
197 workDesc, extentsPtr.data(), /*strides=*/nullptr, d_mpsTensors.data(), 0));
198 std::cout << "Computed the MPS factorization of the quantum circuit state\n";
一旦量子线路状态已经构建并使用 MPS 表示进行分解,让我们为完整的量子比特寄存器(所有量子比特)创建张量网络状态采样器。
202 // Create the quantum circuit sampler
203 cutensornetStateSampler_t sampler;
204 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetCreateSampler(cutnHandle, quantumState, numQubits, nullptr, &sampler));
205 std::cout << "Created the quantum circuit sampler\n";
209 // Configure the quantum circuit sampler
210 const int32_t numHyperSamples = 8; // desired number of hyper samples used in the tensor network contraction path finder
211 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetSamplerConfigure(cutnHandle, sampler,
212 CUTENSORNET_SAMPLER_OPT_NUM_HYPER_SAMPLES, &numHyperSamples, sizeof(numHyperSamples)));
216 // Prepare the quantum circuit sampler
217 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetSamplerPrepare(cutnHandle, sampler, scratchSize, workDesc, 0x0));
218 std::cout << "Prepared the quantum circuit state sampler\n";
222 // Attach the workspace buffer
223 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetWorkspaceGetMemorySize(cutnHandle,
224 workDesc,
228 &worksize));
229 std::cout << "Scratch GPU workspace size (bytes) for MPS Sampling = " << worksize << std::endl;
230 assert(worksize > 0);
231 if(worksize <= scratchSize) {
232 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetWorkspaceSetMemory(cutnHandle, workDesc, CUTENSORNET_MEMSPACE_DEVICE,
233 CUTENSORNET_WORKSPACE_SCRATCH, d_scratch, worksize));
234 }else{
235 std::cout << "ERROR: Insufficient workspace size on Device!\n";
236 std::abort();
237 }
238 std::cout << "Set the workspace buffer\n";
242 // Sample the quantum circuit state
243 std::vector<int64_t> samples(numQubits * numSamples); // samples[SampleId][QubitId] reside in Host memory
244 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetSamplerSample(cutnHandle, sampler, numSamples, workDesc, samples.data(), 0));
245 std::cout << "Performed quantum circuit state sampling\n";
246 std::cout << "Bit-string samples:\n";
247 for(int64_t i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) {
248 for(int64_t j = 0; j < numQubits; ++j) std::cout << " " << samples[i * numQubits + j];
249 std::cout << std::endl;
250 }
254 // Destroy the workspace descriptor
255 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetDestroyWorkspaceDescriptor(workDesc));
256 std::cout << "Destroyed the workspace descriptor\n";
258 // Destroy the quantum circuit sampler
259 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetDestroySampler(sampler));
260 std::cout << "Destroyed the quantum circuit state sampler\n";
262 // Destroy the quantum circuit state
263 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetDestroyState(quantumState));
264 std::cout << "Destroyed the quantum circuit state\n";
266 // Free GPU buffers
267 for (int32_t i = 0; i < numQubits; i++) {
268 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaFree(d_mpsTensors[i]));
269 }
270 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaFree(d_scratch));
271 for(auto ptr: d_gateCR) HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaFree(ptr));
272 HANDLE_CUDA_ERROR(cudaFree(d_gateH));
273 std::cout << "Freed memory on GPU\n";
275 // Finalize the cuTensorNet library
276 HANDLE_CUTN_ERROR(cutensornetDestroy(cutnHandle));
277 std::cout << "Finalized the cuTensorNet library\n";
279 return 0;