本节包含 cuFFT LTO EA 示例的简化和注释版本,该示例与 zip 文件中的二进制文件一起分发。
* Example showing the use of LTO callbacks with CUFFT to perform
* R2C -> callback -> C2R.
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <cufftXt.h>
#define ERROR_VALUE -1
#define PASS_VALUE 0
// Check CUDA API error
inline int checkErrors(cudaError_t error, int line_number) {
if(error != cudaSuccess) {
printf("Example failed in CUDA API on line %d with error %d\n", line_number, error);
return PASS_VALUE;
// Check cuFFT API error
inline int checkErrors(cufftResult error, int line_number) {
if(error != CUFFT_SUCCESS) {
printf("Example failed in cuFFT API on line %d with error %d\n", line_number, error);
return PASS_VALUE;
#define CHECK_ERROR(error) checkErrors(error, __LINE__)
// NOTE: Header containing the compiled LTO callback device function in a C array, generated with bin2c
#include "callback_fatbin.h"
// Struct to pass data to callback
struct cb_params {
unsigned window_N;
unsigned signal_size;
// Problem input parameters
constexpr unsigned batches = 830;
constexpr unsigned signal_size = 328;
constexpr unsigned window_size = 32;
constexpr unsigned complex_signal_size = signal_size / 2 + 1;
// Initialize the input signal with random values
void init_input_signals(unsigned batches, unsigned signal_size, float* signals) {
std::mt19937 e2(0);
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dist(0., 1.);
for(unsigned batch = 0; batch < batches; ++batch) {
for(unsigned s = 0; s < signal_size; ++s) {
unsigned idx = batch * signal_size + s;
signals[idx] = dist(e2);
int main() {
// Padded array for in-place transforms
float input_signals[batches][2 * complex_signal_size] = {};
float output_signals[batches][2 * complex_signal_size];
float reference[batches][2 * complex_signal_size];
init_input_signals(batches, 2 * complex_signal_size, &input_signals[0][0]);
const size_t complex_size_bytes = batches * complex_signal_size * 2 * sizeof(float);
// Allocate and copy input from host to GPU
float *device_signals;
CHECK_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void **)&device_signals, complex_size_bytes));
CHECK_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(device_signals, input_signals, complex_size_bytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
// Define a structure used to pass in the window size
cb_params host_params;
host_params.window_N = window_size;
host_params.signal_size = complex_signal_size;
// Allocate and copy callback parameters from host to GPU
cb_params *device_params;
CHECK_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void **)&device_params, sizeof(cb_params)));
CHECK_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(device_params, &host_params, sizeof(cb_params), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
// Create a CUFFT plan for the forward transform, and a cuFFT plan for the inverse transform with load callback
cufftHandle forward_plan, inverse_plan_cb;
size_t work_size;
// NOTE: LTO callbacks must be set before plan creation and cannot be unset (yet)
size_t lto_callback_fatbin_size = sizeof(window_callback);
CHECK_ERROR(cufftXtSetJITCallback(inverse_plan_cb, (void*)window_callback, lto_callback_fatbin_size,
CUFFT_CB_LD_COMPLEX, (void **)&device_params));
CHECK_ERROR(cufftMakePlan1d(forward_plan, signal_size, CUFFT_R2C, batches, &work_size));
CHECK_ERROR(cufftMakePlan1d(inverse_plan_cb, signal_size, CUFFT_C2R, batches, &work_size));
// Transform signal forward
printf("Transforming signal cufftExecR2C\n");
CHECK_ERROR(cufftExecR2C(forward_plan, (cufftReal *)device_signals, (cufftComplex *)device_signals));
// Apply window via load callback and inverse-transform the signal
printf("Transforming signal cufftExecC2R\n");
CHECK_ERROR(cufftExecC2R(inverse_plan_cb, (cufftComplex *)device_signals, (cufftReal *)device_signals));
// Copy device memory to host
CHECK_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(output_signals, device_signals, complex_size_bytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
// Destroy CUFFT context
// Cleanup memory
return PASS_VALUE;
的信号用随机值初始化。它将输入数据复制到 GPU。
在计划创建后(使用 cufftCreate(…)),但在调用计划函数之前,它使用 cuFFT API 的扩展 cufftXtSetJITCallback(…) 将包含 fatbin 的数组与回调函数关联到计划。
它为两个计划调用计划函数 (cufftMakePlan1d(…))。
它使用 cufftDestroy(…) 销毁计划,并释放 GPU 资源。
* Example showing the use of LTO callbacks with CUFFT to perform
* truncation with zero padding.
#include <cufftXt.h>
struct cb_params {
unsigned window_N;
unsigned signal_size;
// This is the load callback routine. It filters high frequencies
// based on a truncation window specified by the user
// NOTE: unlike the non-LTO version, the callback device function
// must have the name cufftJITCallbackLoadComplex, it cannot be aliased
__device__ cufftComplex cufftJITCallbackLoadComplex(void *input,
size_t index,
void *info,
void *sharedmem) {
const cb_params* params = static_cast<const cb_params*>(info);
cufftComplex* cb_output = static_cast<cufftComplex*>(input);
const unsigned sample = index % params->signal_size;
return (sample < params->window_N) ? cb_output[index] : cufftComplex{0.f, 0.f};
当命名 cuFFT LTO EA 中的 LTO 回调函数时,有一些限制。有关更多详细信息,请参阅此处。
在编译示例之前,我们需要将 tar 包中包含的库文件和头文件复制到 CUDA Toolkit 文件夹中。
$ cp nvidia-cufft-11.1.0-Linux/opt/cufft/include/* /path/to/cuda/toolkit/include
$ cp nvidia-cufft-11.1.0-Linux/opt/cufft/lib/* /path/to/cuda/toolkit/lib64
$ nvcc --std=c++11 --generate-code arch=compute_50,code=lto_50 -dc -fatbin callback.cu -o callback.fatbin
$ bin2c --name window_callback --type longlong callback.fatbin > callback_fatbin.h
$ g++ -I /path/to/cuda/toolkit/include -L /path/to/cuda/toolkit/lib64 lto_ea.cpp -o lto_ea -lcufft -lcudart
$ ./lto_ea
Transforming signal cufftExecR2C
Transforming signal cufftExecC2R