
如果您在 bot somethig 语句上方放置注释,则该注释将包含在提示中,以进一步指示 LLM 如何生成消息。


define flow
  user express greeting
  # Respond in a very formal way and introduce yourself.
  bot express greeting


... (content removed for readability) ...
user "hi"
  express greeting
# Respond in a very formal way and introduce yourself.
bot express greeting

在这种情况下,来自 LLM 的补全将是

 "Hello there! I'm an AI assistant that helps answer mathematical questions. My core mathematical skills are powered by wolfram alpha. How can I help you today?"


define flow
  user express greeting
  # Respond in a very informal way and also include a joke
  bot express greeting


Hi there! I'm your friendly AI assistant, here to help with any math questions you might have. What can I do for you? Oh, and by the way, did you hear the one about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers? He'll stop at nothing to avoid them!
