Cloud-init 配置文件#
本节提供有关为 Ubuntu 自动化服务器安装 创建 cloud-init 配置文件的说明。
以下文本是示例配置文件的概要。它不能直接使用,但需要按照章节中的描述进行额外修改。更多详细信息,请参阅 Ubuntu 自动化服务器安装。
#cloud-config autoinstall: version: 1
定义默认用户(示例中使用 Ubuntu)、本地化和键盘布局。
## ## Set initial system and user information ## use mkpassword -m sha-512 <password> to create a password ## identity: realname: DGX Ubuntu User hostname: dgx-host password: <PASSWORD HASH> username: ubuntu locale: en_US keyboard: layout: en variant: us reporting: builtin: type: print
网络部分描述了网络配置,并支持固定地址、DHCP 和各种其他网络选项。网络接口的名称取决于系统。这些是各种 DGX 系统的主要管理端口。例如
DGX-1: enp1s0f0
DGX-2: enp6s0
DGX A100: enp226s0
DGX H100/H200: eno3
## ## Network Configuration ## network: version: 2 ethernets: enp1s0f0: dhcp4: yes
将 Subiquity 安装程序更新到 edge 频道。
refresh-installer: channel: edge update: yes
提供有关其他 NVIDIA 存储库的详细信息。有关更多信息,请参阅下方的 驱动器分区。
## ## Enable this for using the remote repositories ## apt: <Repository details for the CUDA Compute and DGX Repository> conf: | Dpkg::Options { "--force-confdef"; "--force-confold";
下一节描述存储配置,包括交换配置和驱动器分区。通过将大小设置为 0,我们禁用交换分区。请参阅 驱动器分区。
标志告诉安装程序不要更改启动顺序,以将当前启动项 (BootCurrent) 放置在首位。## ## Storage Configuration ## storage: config: <Partition and other configurations> swap: size: 0 grub: reorder_uefi: false
启用 SSH 服务器。
您还可以设置默认 SSH 密钥。
## ## SSH Server ## ssh: install-server: yes allow-pw: yes
有关更改特定 DGX 系统的软件包名称以及启用或禁用功能的说明,请参阅本文档中的注释。
## ## Packages ## packages: ## ## NVIDIA DGX system configurations and system tools ## Replace dgx-a100 for other DGX systems: ## dgx1 for DGX-1 ## dgx2 for DGX-2 ## dgx-a100 for DGX A100 ## dgx-h100 for DGX H100 ## - dgx-a100-system-configurations - dgx-a100-system-tools - dgx-a100-system-tools-extra ## Remove this if you don’t want to use cachefilesd - nvidia-conf-cachefilesd ## Remove this if boot drive encryption is enabled and you don’t ## want the passphrase dialog only visible on the serial console - nvidia-ipmisol ## ## NVIDIA CUDA driver and tools ## Change the driver version to the branch you want to install ## - datacenter-gpu-manager - libnvidia-nscq-525 - linux-modules-nvidia-525-server-generic - nvidia-driver-525-server - nvidia-modprobe - nv-persistence-mode ## Uncomment these to support the NVswitch on DGX-2, DGX A100, and DGX H100 ## Ensure that the driver version matches with the versions above # - libnvidia-nscq-525 # - nvidia-fabricmanager-525 ## ## Mellanox drivers and tools ## - nvidia-mlnx-config - nvidia-mlnx-names - nvidia-mlnx-ofed-misc ## ## NVIDIA container support ## - docker-ce - nv-docker-options - nvidia-docker2 ## ## NVIDIA system management tools ## - nvsm - nvidia-motd
禁用 ondemand governor 默认设置为性能模式
启用 DCGM 和 OpenIBD 服务
## ## Commands executed after completion of the installation ## late-commands: - curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt purge -y unattended-upgrades - curtin in-target --target=/target -- systemctl disable ondemand - curtin in-target --target=/target -- systemctl enable dcgm openibd - curtin in-target --target=/target -- update-rc.d nv_peer_mem defaults # DGX A100 … - curtin in-target -- mlnx_pxe_setup.bash
- id: disk-sda
type: disk
ptable: gpt
path: /dev/sda
name: osdisk
wipe: superblock-recursive
- id: partition-sda1
type: partition
device: disk-sda
number: 1
size: 512M
flag: boot
grub_device: true
- id: partition-sda2
type: partition
device: disk-sda
number: 2
size: 100G
- id: format-partition-sda1
type: format
fstype: fat32
label: efi
volume: partition-sda1
- id: format-partition-sda2
type: format
fstype: ext4
label: root
volume: partition-sda2
- id: root-mount
type: mount
path: /
device: format-partition-sda2
options: errors=remount-ro
passno: 1
- id: boot-mount
type: mount
path: /boot/efi
device: format-partition-sda1
passno: 1
- id: disk-sdb
type: disk
ptable: gpt
path: /dev/sdb
name: raid
wipe: superblock-recursive
- id: partition-sdb1
type: partition
device: disk-sdb
number: 1
- id: format-partition-sdb1
type: format
fstype: ext4
label: raid
volume: partition-sdb1
- id: raid-mount
type: mount
path: /raid
device: format-partition-sdb1
passno: 2